肯德基是世界最大的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写, 它已在全球范围内成为有口皆碑的著名品牌。
1930 年,肯德基的创始人哈兰 . 山德士在家乡美国肯德基州开了一家餐厅。在此期间, 山德士潜心研究炸鸡的新方法,终于成功地发明了有十一种香料和特有烹调技术合成的秘方,其独特的口味深受顾客的欢迎, 餐厅生意日趋兴隆, 秘方沿袭至今。肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作出的贡献, 授予他山德士上校的荣誉称号。
山德士上校一身西装, 满头白发及山羊胡子的形象,已成为肯德基国际品牌的最佳象征。
山德士上校的成功起始于他 40岁在肯德基州经营Corbin 加油站时。为了增加营收,他开始自己制作各式小吃,提供给路过的旅客,因为他烹煮美食的名声吸引了过往的旅客,生意自此缓慢稳定的成长。在声誉日增的,当时的肯德基州长 Ruby Laffon 于1935 年授予他为肯德基上校, 以表彰他对肯德基州餐饮的贡献。
上校最著名的拿手菜, 就是他精心研制发明的炸鸡。这是德基现今最受欢迎的产品,它是由上校在经历十年的钻研后,用调和出的神奇十一种香料配方烹制而成, 令人品尝后吮指回味。
美味的炸鸡虽然吸引了众多慕名而来的顾客。,传统的炸鸡方法却使顾客必须等待三十分钟才可享用美食。到了1939 年,这个难题在上校参观一个压力锅展示时得到解答。上校购买一个压力锅回家,做了各项有关烹煮时间、压力和加油的实验后,终于发现一种独特的炸鸡方法。这个在压力下所炸出来的炸鸡是他所尝过的最美味的炸鸡,至今肯德基炸鸡仍维持这项使用压力锅的妙方。
上校的事业在1950年代中期面临一个危机,他的 Sanders Cafe 餐厅所在地旁的道路被新建的高速公路所通过, 使得他不得不售出这个餐厅。当时的上校已 66 岁, 但他自觉尚年轻,不需靠社会福利金过日子,而这反而成了他事业的转机。
上校用他那 1946 年出品的福特老车,载着他的十一种香料配方及他的得力助手--压力锅开始上路。他到印第安州、俄亥俄州及肯德基州各地的餐厅,将炸鸡的 配方及方法出售给有兴趣的餐厅。1952年设立在盐湖城的首家被授权经营的肯德基餐厅建立。令人惊讶的是,在短短五年内, 上校在美国及加拿大已发展有 400 家的连锁店, 这便是世界上餐饮加盟特许经营的开始。
世界上每天有 1000多万顾客在各个肯德基餐厅品尝着由山德士上校近半世纪前开创的肯德基原味鸡,它是由十一种神秘配方裹粉烹炸而成。顾客还可在世界各地的肯德基餐厅内品尝到近400多种其他食品, 例如科威特的鸡肉饼和日本的硅鱼三明治。
肯德基为满足消费者不同层面的需要,对顾客服务的方式也在不断变化,除了店内用餐,外卖,从奥克兰到阿尔布克尔克,在美国已有超过300家在其他国家越来越多的城市已开展送餐到家的业务. 而且在美国的一些城市中,肯德基餐厅还与集团内的姐妹餐厅必胜客和Taco Bell合作,在设在繁忙街区同一餐厅网点为顾客提供餐点。现在,从波多黎各到加利福尼亚州的大学生们已将肯德基快餐列入了日常食谱。
60多年前,肯德基的创始人山德士上校发明烹制了如今被称为“家庭晚餐的替代“- 即提供完整的正餐给无时间在家烹饪、或不愿烹饪的家庭, 他称之为“一周七天的星期日晚餐“。
肯德基公司所属世界上最大的餐厅集团--百胜全球餐饮集团,集团内有包括分布在超过100个国家和地区的近 30,000 家连锁的世界著名的肯德基餐厅、必胜客餐厅、Taco Bell 餐厅。
1987年11月12日肯德基在中国的第一家餐厅在北京前门繁华地带正式开业。以此为起点,肯德基开始摸索,学习中国社会和市场,逐步打造具有中国特色的管理模式。 1992年全国餐厅总数为10家;到1995年,发展到71家。1996年6月25日,肯德基中国第100家店在北京成立。这是一个里程碑,标志着肯德基在中国进入了一个更加稳步发展的阶段。
Kentuckey is the world biggest fried chicken fast-food chain-like enterprise, Kentuckey’s mark KFC is English Kentucky Fried Chicken (the Kentuckey fried chicken) the abbreviation, it has become the famous brand in the global scope which wins universal praise. In 1930, Kentuckey’s founder Harlan.Sandz has opened a dining room in the hometown US Kentuckey state. Sandz concentrates on study the fried chicken new method, finally successfully invented had 11 kind of spices and the unique cooking technologies synthesis secret recipe, its unique taste customer’s welcome, dining room business day by day is been deeply prosperous, the secret recipe follows until now. The Kentuckey state in order to commend him the contribution which makes for the hometown, awards him Sandz colonel’s title of honor. Sandz colonel body western-style clothing, On has covered entirely the white hair and the goat beard image, has become the Kentuckey international brand the best symbol. Sandz colonel’s successful outset manages time the Corbin gas station to his 40 years old in the Kentuckey state. In order to increase the earning, he starts oneself to manufacture various types snack, provides for the passenger which passed by, because he boiled boils the good food the reputation to attract the passing passenger, business from now on slow stable growth. Increases day by day which while the prestige, then Kentuckey Governor Ruby Laffon awarded him in 1935 is Kentuckey colonel, commended him to the Kentuckey state dining contribution. Colonel the most famous adept vegetable, is he carefully develops the invention the fried chicken. This is a product which the German base nowadays most receives welcome, it is after experiences ten years study by colonel, with the mysterious 11 spices formula which compromises boils the system to become, after makes one taste sucks refers to the aftertaste. The delicacy fried chicken although has attracted the customer which multitudinously comes to see a famous person with admiration. However, the traditional fried chicken method actually causes the customer to have to wait for 30 minutes only then may enjoy the good food. To in 1939, this difficult problem visited a pressure cooker in colonel to demonstrate when obtains the explanation. Colonel purchased a pressure cooker to go home, after related makes each item to boil boils the experiment which the time, the pressure and refueled, finally discovered one unique fried chicken method. This explodes the fried chicken which is he has tasted the most delicacy fried chicken under the pressure, until now the Kentuckey fried chicken still maintained this item to use the pressure cooker the wonderful side. Colonel’s enterprise in 1950 ages intermediate stages faced with a crisis, his Sanders nearby the Cafe dining room locus path is passed by the newly built highway, causes he to be able not but to sell this dining room. Then colonel already 66 years old, but he aware still was young, did not have to depend on the social lucky day, but this has instead become his enterprise favourable turn. Colonel with him that in 1946 product Ford Lao Che, was carrying his 11 spices formula and his primary assistant -- pressure cooker starts to start off. He to Indian the state, the Ohio state and the Kentuckey state each place dining room, sells for has the interest the fried chicken formula and the method the dining room. In 1952 set up in Salt Lake City’s first is been authorized the management the Kentuckey dining room establishment. Surprising is, in the short five years, colonel has developed in US and Canada has 400 chain stores, this then is in the world the dining alliance special permission management start. Kentuckey is the world biggest fried chicken fast-food chain-like enterprise, has in world each place surpasses 11, more than 000 dining rooms. These dining rooms spread more than 80 countries, from China’s Great Wall, until the Paris lively downtown area, the as beautiful as a painting Sofia town center as well as sunlight beautiful Puerto Rico, all obviously arrive take Kentuckey as the symbol quick dining room. In the world has more than 10 million customers to taste the Kentuckey original taste chicken every day in each Kentuckey dining room which before the nearly half century founds by Sandz colonel, it is binds the powder by 11 mystical formulas to boil explodes becomes. The customer also may taste in the world each place Kentuckey dining room to nearly 400 many kinds of other foods, for example Kuwait’s chicken meat patty and Japan’s silicon fish sandwich. Kentuckey for satisfies the consumer different stratification plane the need, serves the way to the customer also unceasingly to change, dines except the shop in, outside sells, from Auckland to Albu the Kerr gram, had in US surpasses 300 to develop the delivering meal proficient service in other national more and more many cities Moreover in US’S some cities, the Kentuckey dining room also must win the guest with group’s in sisters dining room and Taco the Bell cooperation, while is located in the busy block identical dining room mesh point for the customer provision meal spot. Now, the Kentuckey fast-food has included the daily recipes from Puerto Rico to the California state university students. More than 60 years ago, Kentuckey’s founder Sandz colonel invents boils makes has been been called now: “family supper substitution“ - namely provides the integrity the full meal to without the time in the home cooking, or does not hope the cooking the family, he calls it: “Sunday day Sunday supper“. Now, colonel’s spirit and the inheritance have become the Kentuckey brand the symbol, image design Kentuckey symbolized by Sandz colonel, has become one of brands which in the world most splendid, is easiest to distinguish. In the Kentuckey company respective world the biggest dining room group -- hundred victories whole world dining group, in the group has including distributes is surpassing 100 national and the local nearly 30,,000 chain-like worlds famous Kentuckey dining rooms, must win the guest dining room, Taco the Bell dining room. Kentuckey entered in 1987 has the glorious diet culture ancient capital Beijing, thus started her to have world most population in this the country history. On November 12, 1987 Kentuckey officially started doing business in China’s first dining room in the Beijing front door lively region. Take this as the beginning, Kentuckey starts to try to find out that, studies the Chinese society and the market, gradually makes has the Chinese characteristic the management pattern. In 1992 the national dining room total was 10; To 1995, developed to 71. On June 25, 1996, the Kentuckey China 100th family store established in Beijing. This is a milestone, symbolized Kentuckey entered the stage in China which develops even more with steady steps.
地址 南京市长江路188号32楼
电话 025-86816618