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  章子仪( ) 个人档案 介绍资料
  姓名: 章子怡
  英文名: Zhang Ziyi
  身高: 1.64 公尺
  体重: 49.5 公斤
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  最喜欢的影片类型 言情片
  生长在北京的章子怡,父亲是电信局干部,母亲曾是一所幼儿园的老师。儿时的章子怡长得瘦瘦的,小小的。母亲的同事看她这么单薄,建议她学体操,于是妈妈把她送到宣武区体校,恰巧这一年没有体操班,老师建议她去学舞蹈。就这样,8岁的章子怡走进了宣武区少年宫学习舞蹈,她的启蒙老师也是当年淘金的启蒙老师。 3年后,11岁的章子怡考入了北京舞蹈学院附中,开始了她6年的民间舞专业的学习,并且在94年全国桃李杯舞蹈比赛中获得了表演奖。这次获奖不但没有使小小的章子怡沾沾自喜,却使她开始了第二次人生选择。随着年龄的增长,她感到了舞蹈表演空间的狭小,她不甘心一辈子做舞蹈演员,更不甘心一辈子给人家伴舞。她要找自己的立足点,找自己的发展空间,于是她想到了戏剧,想到了电影。
  在96年她从北京舞蹈学院附中毕业后,顺利地考入了中央戏剧学院表演系,1998年接拍了张艺谋导演的《我的父亲母亲》,这是她演的第一部电影,成功地完成了“我母亲”的角色塑造。1999年,被著名华人导演李安选中,与周润发、杨紫琼合作,参演影片《卧虎藏龙》。同年,荣获亚洲电影交流会“明日之星”奖。2000年,出演春节联欢晚会开篇节目。年初,香港著名导演徐克也相中了她,邀请她在重拍片《蜀山新传》中扮演武艺高强的女将军。 7月将从中戏毕业的章子怡,日前已找好了“婆家”-----中央实验话剧院。她说自己是个追求稳定的女孩,“有一份稳定合适的工作,心里要踏实些。


Ziyi Zhang (Chinese: 章子怡, pinyin: Zhāng Zǐyí; Wade-Giles: Chang Tzu-yi; born February 9, 1979) is a Chinese film actress and singer. Zhang is coined by the media as one of the Four Young Dan actresses (四大花旦) in the Film Industry in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun. With a string of Chinese and international hits to her name, she has worked with renowned directors such as Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark, Lou Ye, Seijun Suzuki, Feng Xiaogang and Rob Marshall.
Early life
Zhang was born and raised in Beijing, China. She was the daughter of Zhang Yuanxiao, an economist, and Li Zhousheng, a kindergarten teacher.
In 1994, Zhang entered China’s prestigious Central Academy of Drama (regarded as the top acting college in China) at the age of 15.
At the age of 19, Zhang was offered her first role in Zhang Yimou’s The Road Home, which won the Silver Bear award in the 2000 Berlin Film Festival.
Zhang further rose to fame due to her role as the headstrong Jen (Chinese version: Yu Jiao Long) in the phenomenally successful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for which she won several awards in the West, such as Chicago Film Critics Association Awards, Toronto Film Critics Association Awards and Independent Spirit Awards. Zhang’s first appearance in an American movie was in Rush Hour 2, but because she didn’t speak English at the time, Jackie Chan had to interpret everything the director said to her. In the movie, her character’s name, “Hu Li,“ is translated from Mandarin Chinese to “Fox“.
Zhang then appeared in Hero, with her early mentor Zhang Yimou, which was a huge success in the English-speaking world and nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award. Her next film was the avant-garde drama Purple Butterfly by Lou Ye, which competed at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival. Zhang went back to the martial arts genre with House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏), which earned her a Best Actress nomination from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
In 2046, directed by Wong Kar-wai, starring many of the best-known Chinese actors and actresses, Zhang was the female lead and won the Hong Kong Film Critics’ Best Actress Award and the Hong Kong Film Academy’s Best Actress Award.
Showing her whimsical musical tap-dancing side, Zhang starred in Princess Raccoon, directed by Japanese legend Seijun Suzuki, who was honored at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
In 2005, Zhang landed the lead role of Sayuri in the film adaptation of the international bestseller Memoirs of a Geisha. There was a slight controversy in Japan about a Chinese woman portraying a Japanese Geisha. For the film, she reunited with her 2046 co-star Gong Li and with her Crouching Tiger co-star Michelle Yeoh. For the role, Zhang received a 2006 Golden Globe Award nomination, a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and a BAFTA nomination.
Zhang has also been known to sing, and was featured on the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack with her own musical rendition of the ancient Chinese poem, Jia Rén Qu (佳人曲, The Beauty Song). The song was also featured in two scenes in the film.
On June 27, 2005, it was announced that Zhang had accepted an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards.
In May 2006, Zhang became the youngest member to sit on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. In the fall of 2006, Zhang played Empress Wan in The Banquet (Yè Yàn 夜宴), a film set in the Tang Dynasty.
Zhang provided the voice of Karai in the TMNT movie that was released on March 23, 2007. She later starred in Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang) (2008) and appeared in The Horsemen (2009) with Dennis Quaid.
Ziyi Zhang was recently announced that she wil be the main character in “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan“. At the same time, she will also be the producer for this movie.
Zhang is the face of Maybelline, Garnier and Shangri-la Hotel and Resort Group. She is also a Global Ambassador for the Special Olympics and a spokesperson for “Save the Children,“ a foster-home program in China.
Personal life
Soon after Zhang’s debut in Zhang Yimou’s The Road Home, rumors arose regarding a possible affair between the actress and the older director. Zhang Yimou was previously involved in an extramarital affair with actress Gong Li, whom he similarly debuted and with whom Zhang Ziyi was quickly compared. However, no relationship between the two has been confirmed.
Hong Kong and Taiwanese media have often pushed at ties between Zhang and co-star Jackie Chan. This was fueled in part by photos that emerged of the pair during celebrations of Chan’s birthday on the set of Rush Hour 2.
Zhang for a while was publicly linked with Fok Kai-shan, grandson of Hong Kong business tycoon Henry Fok.
In the July 2006 issue of Interview Magazine, Zhang Ziyi spoke of her movies’ contents and being careful about the roles she takes on, especially in Hollywood.
“ Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles--poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that. That’s why I really appreciated Geisha, because it allowed us to show the world what kind of actors we are and what kind of characters we can play--not just action, kick-ass parts. ”
She stated in an early interview that if she had not become an actress, she would have liked to have been a kindergarten teacher, as she “...love children!“
In January 2007, Zhang was spotted holding hands and kissing her new boyfriend at a New York basketball game. The man was identified as Israeli multi-millionaire and venture capitalist, Vivi Nevo. The two were again seen together at an Oscar party in Los Angeles. Nevo, who has previously been tied to model Kate Moss, is a major shareholder in Time Warner and an early backer of The Weinstein Company with whom Zhang is purported to have a multi-film deal. Zhang Ziyi and Nevo are currently engaged.
Other information
Of the characters making up her name, Zhāng (章) is her surname (not to be confused with the more common Zhāng 张 which is a homonym but written with a different character), Zǐ (子) means ’child’ or ’esteemed person’, and Yí (怡) means ’joy’ or ’happiness’. She has appeared in English language films under the name Ziyi Zhang. In an interview, she stated that the name change was her publicist’s idea of a way to appeal to Western audiences.



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